Vahbiz Dorabjee: I can totally relate to this topic because I have also been a target of body shaming in the past. I was very thin and then I put on weight because of hyperthyroidism and people were after me. We live in a very shallow world where people are vain and they pass comments on the appearance of other people. All I can say is always be confident and don't let anybody break your confidence. You are here to live life on your own terms
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Nobody in this world has the right to make you feel bad, demoralise you or put you down. You do what you feel like doing, everyone's body is beautiful in it's own way and no one has the right to criticise it. If we give into this kind of pressure and we will get affected by these remarks. It's important to wear what you are comfortable in and not get affected by what other people have to say. The day you show it affects you, these people will get even more pleasure in passing shallow comments. I think people, who do such things, are absolutely shallow and need to get a job. This shows how characterless they are and does not say anything about the other person.